Monday, May 19, 2008

The Circle of Tiny Hands

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I was enjoying the day with Cari’s family. Emily, Michael and Joseph were excited to be able to be outside after the long cold winter. Suddenly Mike came into the kitchen and shouted, “Something’s wrong with Nicholas. They need help!”

Cari told the kids to stay in the backyard and we ran outside to the front and found her neighbor cradling her two-year-old son and his father on the phone frantically calling 911. Nicholas had gone into convulsions from a high fever and now was almost passed out. I rushed to his mother’s side and tried to comfort her as I knew that Nicholas was not turning blue so he was still breathing. I talked to him and got him to open his eyes slightly so his mother and I would both know that he was still responding.

The ambulance arrived and Nicholas and his mother climbed in. When I turned toward Cari’s house, I saw Emily, Michael and Joseph at the gate staring at the ambulance. I went to them and told them how proud I was that they listened to their mom. They all wanted to know about their neighbor and friend. I told them that Nicholas has help now and that we need to say a little prayer for him.

We formed a little circle, held hands and bowed our heads and I led them in a special prayer for Nicholas. Soon Nicholas’ father came out of the ambulance to let us know that he was going to the hospital but was going to be okay. As I returned to the backyard, Emily, Michael and Joseph were still standing there and Michael asked, “Is Nicholas going to be okay, Grammie?”

“Yes, he’s going to be okay. It’s good that we said a prayer and asked God to help, isn’t it?” I replied. Nicholas came home from the hospital late that night and was soon playing with his neighbors and friends.

What a special moment it was for me that day. Amid the frightening circumstances, I had the opportunity to teach my grandchildren where to turn when they are worried and the power of uplifting others with prayer. The circle of tiny hands touched a lot of people…the kids who bowed their heads, the people who were watching, Nicholas and his family, and it will be a special memory of mine forever.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

God Bless Our Heroes

God Bless Our Heroes!

Last week was a very special week for two of our leaders, Cynthia and Kristene in North Carolina. They visited Sgt. Jon Roberts and his family in North Carolina and saw firsthand the power of the partnership between Homes for Our Troops and Signature HomeStyles. Jon was a soldier in Iraq who was hit head on by a truck and suffered massive brain damage.

Jon’s parents were missionaries in the Philippines when they received the call and were told that he would never be able to function again. That was two years ago and today Jon and his parents are in a new home built by Homes for Our Troops that is wheel chair accessible. Jon is now able to communicate with a keyboard and has just started trying to talk.

Through our commitment to Homes for Our Troops Signature HomeStyles is donating product to help organize and decorate Jon’s new home. As Cynthia and Kristene perused our catalog with Jon, he gave a ‘thumbs up’ on the items he would like to have. In a few weeks they will return to put his chosen products in place.

We are blessed to have American heroes like Jon. How do we ever thank them and their families for their sacrifices. Homes for Our Troops is making sure that they are not forgotten and we are proud to be able to join in that mission. Last month the AIP (American Institute of Philanthropy), a charity watch group, included Homes for Our Troops in their Top-Rated Veterans and Military Charities listing.

The more we grow as a company, the more we will be able to give to this worthwhile cause. I am so proud of this partnership, so proud of every representative of Signature HomeStyles who sells our Homes for Our Troops products, and proud of Cynthia and Kristene and all the other representatives who have taken their time to support these heroes. I just love the power we have when we work together to make a difference!

Please pray for Jon and his family and for all the soldiers and their families, and also for the continued success of Homes for Our Troops!