Monday, April 6, 2009

Need Jumper Cables?

Last February on our Vacation of a Lifetime to the Bahamas one of the trip earners shared with me that her family and friends were all pressing her to get a full-time job which she didn’t want to do. She had been through some very difficult personal challenges and her Signature HomeStyles business was in a slump. I asked her if a full-time job would require her to be gone from home five days a week for eight hours each day and she thought it would. So I asked her why she wouldn’t do five Shows a week in half the time for more money. She replied that she didn’t know how she could get that going. I suggested that she pick one week in the coming month and book five Shows in that week and to send me an e-mail when she got that week booked.

Jump starting a business is no different than starting a car that has been sitting idle for quite a while. It’s no different than trying to draw water from a well that has not been used in some time. To get the water flowing you have to prime the pump and work the lever really hard and fast to draw the water upwards and get it flowing again. To start an idle car, you often have to use jumper cables to get the extra charge it needs to get started again.

Jump Start Your Business
So to jump start a business you have to do more than you would normally do…you have to prime the pump to get it flowing. Choosing a one-week period in which you do five Shows is a way to put the extra charge into jump starting your business. When you do Show after Show in that week, you become energized and your Hosts and Guests can sense your energy. The sales are happening, you’re making great money, the bookings start flowing and your enthusiasm draws people to join your Team.

There’s an old saying, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always gotten.” The first time I heard it, I had to really think about the message. For something in our life to become different than what it is today, we have to do something different to make that change occur. We have to prime the pump. We have to find our own jumper cables!

And what about the Representative who was in a slump just over a year ago? She e-mailed me when she had five Shows booked in a one-week period. She did those five Shows, made great money and jump started her business. She’s on track to walk across the stage this year achieving the Circle of Dreams award and her sales are projected to be 50% over the previous year!

Which week will you pick? Send me an e-mail and let me know which week you have chosen so I can plan on celebrating your success with you!

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