Thursday, March 26, 2009

What It Feels Like to be 38-Years-Old!

WOW! On April 1, 38 years ago I signed the papers to incorporate my small little company. I always had big dreams, but little did I know that my company would become one of the largest woman-owned companies in the country and a leader in the direct sales industry. When I look back, I realize that it took a lot of HARD WORK, a lot of PASSION and DRIVE, and a lot of DEDICATED PEOPLE to build this great company.

As we celebrate our anniversary and begin our 38th year in business, I am so grateful for the VALUES I learned as I grew up. Those values led me to understand that there is no substitute for HARD WORK and that helping others always will come back to you abundantly. Those values instilled in me a YEARNING for LEARNING that gave me confidence to step out of my comfort zone…to go under, over, around or through to take the next step forward. With each hurdle I knew I was growing and so was my business… all of which reinforced my PASSION and DRIVE to keep on building.

Ten years into the business after Cathi was stabilized from her lung disease, it was time to respond to all the inquiries outside the Chicagoland area. I had built a million-dollar organization there and constantly received inquiries about being a Representative from other states. OPPORTUNITY was knocking on my door! I had a DEDICATED staff to support me so I hit the road and soon found others who had the PASSION, DRIVE and VISION to WORK HARD and pursue their DREAMS. It was exhilarating to see those people grow! My DREAM became their DREAM.

We hear so much bad news about the level of unemployment and yet in 1971 it was at 5.9% and it didn’t bother me! When Sharon Morgan started as a Representative, unemployment was at 7.4% and the last time we had double-digit unemployment is the year that Sharon added 100 people to her Team and began her climb to a Million-Dollar Team! Carol Romkema built her Team during one of the most difficult economic times for the farming community around her. It became her mission to help other people save their family’s farms!

So on this day when I think of celebrating our 38th anniversary, I am ever so thankful for the VALUES I grew up with and the DREAM that continues to grow because of the DEDICATED PEOPLE who WORK HARD to pursue their DREAMS and continue to reach out to other people as I did in those beginning years.

Happy Anniversary to everyone in the Signature HomeStyles family!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Madolyn. Wow, you are an inspiration to so many! I am proud to be associated with you and your company. Thank-you for the values you instill in your company as well as your everyday life. The world could use a few more people like you!

I wish you continued success.
Happy Anniversary SHS!
Karen Schmidt
Clinton, Iowa

Anonymous said...


What an inspiring message! You are an inspriration to me as I pursue my dreams to build a million organization. Hearing how you had challenges and hurdles to overcome gives me more drive than ever to take each day as a new adventure and challenge. My business is booming with SHS and I tell everyone that at my shows! People are reaching out and looking for ways to earn extra income in these economical hard times. What security SHS can be to that person whose hours get cut or to that someoone that might lose their job. I love going out each day and sharing an opportnity that can help people in a time of need. God Bless and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Janie Bares, EXCITED AS EVER Representative of SHS!!!

Anonymous said...

Sunday I was closing out my emails, I decided that my final thoughts needed to be your words resounding in my head as I end this I read your blog, I realized how your vision, your passion, your total dedication and discipline to this company have so totally impacted my life. You have believed in me from the very beginning and your example inspires so many of us, me included. You have impacted thousands of lives because of that decision April 1st 38 years ago, mine included. Thank you for the woman that you are and for the woman that I have been allowed to become because you followed your dream. Each of us is an extension of you....and each of us carries on proudly. ~Eileen~

Anonymous said...

Madolyn.... You are one of the most passionate persons that I know. Your determination and drive is truly inspiring. I wish more companies could boast a role-model such as yourself. You have passed your success and ambition onto others and I am one of those. Wishing you many, many more years of continued success!!! Lucie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Madolyn, on your 38 years of success. Not only success for you but for SO many that you have brought "into the fold" that you founded. Your tireless enthusiam and kinetic energy personifies the true role-model in a CEO/President/leader. You are a true Maverick in every sense of the word!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SH. LUCIE, MN